

Background on the issuing organization

Venetian Cluster is the only productive cluster of cultural and environmental heritage in Italy.
Its main target is to realize national and international projects about innovation, technological transfer, internationalisation and training for the public and private supply chain of the sector of cultural and environmental heritage.

Venetian Cluster coordinates and supports multidisciplinary public-private partnerships (PPP), enterprises, professionals, associations, public and private bodies, research institutes and all subjects interested in carrying out and promoting innovation projects, technological transfer and actions for the development of the Italian and international productive supply chain for the conservation, the restoration and the valorisation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage in Italy and abroad.


The “RUINS” Project

Venetian Cluster is partner of the project “SUSTAINABLE REUSE, PRESERVATION AND MODERN MANAGEMENT OF HISTORICAL RUINS IN CENTRAL EUROPE”, acronym RUINS, financed by the Interreg Central Europe Programme 2014-2020, Programme Priority 3. Cooperating on natural and cultural resources for sustainable growth in CENTRAL EUROPE. Programme specific objective: 3.2 To improve capacities for the sustainable use of cultural heritage and resources, CUP n. H78I17000040004.

Project objective is to give a “second life” to medieval ruins through modern management and attributing contemporary, socially useful functions, while preserving historical value of these sites. Project aims to develop and disseminate transnational guidelines and integrated model of contemporary use, modern management and protection of medieval ruins in Central Europe in order to enable elaboration of comprehensive management plans for ruined historical sites. Elaborated comprehensive management plans will help owners and managers of historical ruins, local, regional and public authorities exploit economic potential of this heritage in economic development of regions, and to preserve value of medieval ruins as cultural heritage.


Requested activities and expected results


Venetian Cluster foresees to involve an external expert consultant in the project activity 4.2 (Pilot testing of integrated model of protection, contemporary use and management of medieval ruins); the expert will support in the production of deliverables D.T4.2.1 and D.T4.2.9:

  1. T4.2.1: Comprehensive plan of management, use & preservation of selected medieval ruins: based on tools elaborated within the project activities (Guidelines on management plan of medieval ruins), project partners elaborate plans of management, use and preservation of selected medieval ruins in 6 regions, involving 3 aspects: sustainable protection, modern management and contemporary use of each of these sites. The candidate expert shall prepare an integrated management plan for the site of “Villa Beatrice d’Este” in Baone (province of Padova, region Veneto, Italy) considering the valorisation of the remaining and ruins of the X century monastery. The management plan shall include management and economic aspects, with proposals for new and innovative strategies and activities for the sustainable valorisation of the site. The deliverable to be produced consists of a PDF document with management plan of the site. The activity shall be concluded by February 2020.


  1. T4.2.9 Pilot action report: evaluation of results of pilot testing application of integrated model in elaboration of plan of management, use and preservation of ruined monastery of Villa Beatrice d’Este. Report will also include recommendations for follow up measures at local and transnational level. The candidate expert shall evaluate the application of the management plan, including a pilot action to be defined for the effective valorisation of the site. The deliverable to be produced consists of a PDF document with an evaluation report of results of pilot testing. The activity shall be concluded by February 2020.

The official project language is English.


The candidate expert must have the following experiences and knowledge, that should be evident in the Curriculum Vitae:

  • degree in archaeology (preferably Master’s degree), with studies in medieval history or related subjects;
  • at least 3 years of working experience in valorisation and conservation of Cultural Heritage;
  • knowledge about economical and sustainability aspects applied to valorisation of Cultural Heritage;
  • development of at least one transnational plan, tool or set of guidelines about Cultural Heritage;
  • proficient knowledge of English language, both spoken and written (at least C1 level).


The candidate expert should preferably have experience also in:

  • EU project preparation and implementation;
  • participation in international coordination groups for development of joint projects.


Venetian Cluster will collect from interested experts the CVs (in Europass format) and the economic proposal (offer about the value of the service, in Euro), to be sent via email to the address segreteria@venetiancluster.eu, by the 7th January 2020.

Any further information can be asked to Venetian Cluster at segreteria@venetiancluster.eu or calling the telephone number +3904451850321.