Welcome to the community of the Innovative Regional Network Venetian Cluster for Cultural and Environmental Heritage! This is the ideal space to meet like-minded professionals or companies, useful to exchange ideas, start new projects and grow together. The RIR community is a welcoming and respectful environment, where everyone is invited to participate and contribute. Join us to create a network of connections and support!

RIR COMMUNITY- Competences for Culture and Creativity offers members of the Regional Innovative Network, professionals from the fields of cultural and creative enterprises, technological innovation, digitalisation and sustainability a space where they can exchange views and generate new ideas.


The Community is a space where to interact and discuss common issues, create synergies for the development of new projects and initiate partnerships for the shared resolution of the challenges of our territory.


Don’t miss this opportunity and become part of the network by commenting and exchanging information with the community in the dedicated sections below.



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Internationalisation is a fascinating but complex path for today’s companies. In this focus group, we will explore together the challenges and opportunities that arise when one decides to expand one’s horizons beyond national borders. What are the critical success factors? What are the cultural and regulatory barriers to overcome? And how can we make the most of the potential offered by global markets? With your experience, we will be able to paint a complete picture of this issue and identify the most effective strategies.

It may be of interest to
creative cultural industries
RIR Venetian Cluster
Veneto region

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New technologies, automated processes, artificial intelligence and new ways of collaboration are redefining roles, competencies and dynamics within our organisations. In this focus group, we will explore together how these transformations are impacting human resources and what are the resulting challenges and opportunities. Your input will be crucial to better understand this complex scenario and to identify the best strategies to face the future.

It may be of interest to
creative cultural industries
RIR Venetian Cluster
Veneto region

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